The BoosterPlug tuning module is accepted world wide, as a brilliant and affordable way to transform your Honda CTX700N from ”OK” to ”Absolutely Marvelous”.
With the BoosterPlug tuning you will have a better solution than the complicated and expensive Power Commander that is almost impossible to set up correctly.
You don't have to be a trained engineer or a computer programmer to install the BoosterPlug. Easy and fast plug and play installation - no problems.
There is no better way to improve your riding experience and to solve the common fuel injection problems:
- Improved and softer throttle response
- Faster acceleration
- Remove the low speed surging
- Stronger and more reliable Idle
- Little to no popping in your aftermarket exhaust
This version of the BoosterPlug covers all versions of the Honda CTX700N.

General Installation Instructions

Bike Specific Installation Instructions